Welcome to SLF Horse Auctions,
where superior breeding experience and the very top of the sport meet innovation. 
With SLF Horse Auctions, the Dutch Olympian Harrie Smolders - former world number one and silver medalist at the 2017 European Championships with Don VHP Z - has combined his expertise with that of Walter Lelie and Niels Fabrie. 
As the breeder and rider behind the success stories of horses such as Killer Queen VDM, Irenice Horta, Gancia du Muze, Eldorado vd Zeshoek, Just the Music, and Go Easy de Muze, Lelie's horsemanship and proficiency are second to none, while Niels Fabrie has an exceptional eye for talent and an unbeaten skill to find the perfect match for each rider.  
With Smolders, Lelie and Fabrie, SLF Horse Auctions offers you the perfect combination of expertise and quality, a guarantee of future success.

Latest news

SLF Horse Auction Expands To Four Collections Of Superb Quality Horses & Foals!

4 Auction Weeks of Competing Show Jumpers, Foals, and Talented Youngsters

Christmas Present Worthy Quality In December Collection Of SLF Horse Auctions

Harrie Smolders, Walter Lelie, and Niels Fabrie don’t organize many SLF Horse Auctions, but when they do, you ...

High-Quality Collection of Foals and Embryos in SLF Auctio
High-Quality Collection of Foals and Embryos in SLF Auctio

The very successful SLF Auction is back on the calendar for the end of this week with a fantastic collection of genetica

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